

Welcome friends!
We can to journey around of the nations through of letters and postcards.
This Blog was idealized for all peoples with interest to know,to learn about another culture.
Also, to show several places and images of the world. I hope can have utility, therefore is a treasure.
My nephew, called Murilo, with your ability, help me in the elaboration of Blog.Thanks.
The exchange of correspondence by airmail "snail mail", is important because  I can to make a lot of things, how:
Friendship and to practise the languages(english,french and spanish).
Since 1988, I only wrote letters, initialy contact with ten countries. My penfriends sent postcard, coins, books and some souvernirs.
Infortunately, some penfriends had been lost...but, this can to happen.
My life with new responsabilities: work,study and my two children. So, I stop writer letters long time ago.
In June 2006, on Monday, I decided to look for new friends in all countries, territories,dependences and islands of the planet. Well, a difficult task, but not impossible.
"Better late than never"...to start the beginning of my postcards collection.
Then I to get many penfriends. I have dedication in the project and also good luck.
The end 2010, at this moment with 1.300 postcards, almost all countries.
Since the big until the small places, regions to wonder, with images, colors, peoples and nature...World's beauties.
I have good friends, they send me good postcards and divulge my postal address in the world.I am thankful forever.
The effect, I receive many a time envelope of anywhere and some of unknow people.Is valuable for me.
I accept donation and exchange of postcards (new, old...with or without use). Also, I acquire postcards in a fair around the world.
Thus, you can to send at my postal address. If prefer, message me by e-mail.The  Blog have area for contact, message and comentary.
We organized the names of the places in sequence alphabetical. Some postcards, had arrived in very bad condition. Then I could myself to fix.
Within of Blog, there is other links referring the postcards.
Please, if possible, you can to divulge this Blog, to share and to remind.
Best regards.